Psalms Part 3: In the Morning I Look Up

Continuing in our series of some of the Psalms that have resonated most loudly with me and are great for helping victims of crime and abuse, we’ll look at Psalm 5. 

1 “Give ear to my words, O LORD, 

Consider my meditation.

2 Give heed to the voice of my cry, 

My King and my God,
For to You I will pray.

3 My voice You shall hear in the 

morning, O LORD;

In the morning I will direct it to You, 

And I will look up.”

This first part speaks about the importance of our devotional time with God. This time is to be the sweetest time of our day, from it we can muster strength, encouragement, and comfort. We can glean such an amazing light and understanding as we read the Bible, as we pray, and as we sing to God.

For people who have been hurt, I think this time is even more precious. It restores us and has healing power, but that’s for next week’s blog. Let’s continue reading this Psalm picking up in verses 7 and 8.

7 “But as for me, I will come into Your 

house in the multitude of Your mercy;

In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple. 

8 Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness 

because of my enemies;

Make Your way straight before my face.

We may feel ashamed to come before the presence of God, but it’s because of His mercies that He forgives our sins and takes away our guilt and shame so that we can come before Him. He can guide and direct our paths, as we seek Him and look for His ways. Let’s read the last part of this psalm starting in verse 11.

11 “But let those rejoice who put their 

trust in You; 

Let them ever shout for joy, because 

You defend them;

Let those also who love your name

Be joyful in You.

12 For you, O LORD, will bless the 


With favor You will surround him as with a shield.”

In most all of the psalms, there is a contrasting of the righteous and the wicked and how God will uphold and bless the righteous, and keep them safe. 

In our morning worship we can rejoice and trust God. We can think back to times when God has defended us. We can look back on that and know that He will continue to be a shield for us.

I encourage you to experience this joy and trust. Set aside time to meditate in the morning and to look up to God and Jesus. What better way to watch the Sunrise, than with the Son?