Psalms Part 10: Hope of the Faithful, Psalm 16

Once again, it’s been awhile since our last blog on Psalms. These are psalms that are meant to encourage, give us hope, discover healing, and understand Jesus more. Once again, these Psalms are ones that I found encouraging to navigating abuse and difficult situations, and my prayer is that they will comfort you and give you hope. If you’re new …

CY CHRIST at SNAP Conference 2022

Last weekend CY CHRIST was represented at the SNAP Annual Conference. It took place in Denver and was a fantastic conference. For those who might not know, SNAP is the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. Although started to support those who were abused by Catholic priests, it was helpful to meet survivors who suffered abuse by Presbyterians, Coptics, …

Report on Faith-Based Abuse 2020

Releasing our first Faith-Based Abuse Report on Mar 21

The CY CHRIST Research Center and the Case Tracking Center have released their annual report on federal crimes with a faith-based nexus in the year 2020. It covers financial abuses, sexual abuses, and instances where churches and officials have been involved in human trafficking. The sections provide information on the crimes, the offenders, victims, and case studies. We pray that …


Hello everyone! It certainly has been a little bit since our last post, especially our last post on Psalms. Today we’re going to continue our journey through some of the most relevant Psalms that have to do with surviving abuse. We’re looking today at Psalm 13 and with many of the previous Psalms, it begins very sad.  1How long, O LORD? …

No Longer Slaves

 January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. In our name, the S stands for slavery and human trafficking is modern-day slavery. However, this blog isn’t going to give a lot of detail about human trafficking but instead, hope for those who have been trafficked and those who might be in the same situation. If you want to learn more about …

The Indescribable Gift

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope this blog won’t serve as an interruption of the day’s festivities or time with family. Or maybe this is just what you need right now. After all, with Thanksgiving, we should bring to mind all of the blessings we should be thankful for and I want to help do that.  The scripture I wanted to …

Psalms Part 9: The Safety for Which We Yearn

It’s been a while since our last blog on Psalms so after a nice hiatus let’s get back into the wonderful books of Psalms, picking up where we left off in Psalm 12.  This Psalm starts with a cry for help: “Help, LORD, for the godly man  ceases!  For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.” The Psalmist …

Cyber-Security Part 3: Protecting Your Church’s Youth and Kids

Although Cybersecurity Awareness Month is over, we wanted to address one more very important topic regarding not only cyber-security but the church’s most important resource. The youth and kids are one of the most precious resources that churches have. They’re the ones who are going to finish the gospel work, who will lead the church, and continue to be a …