Psalms Part 7: God Fulfills Our Expectation for Help

Sorry for the brief hiatus in our posts. But we are back and we’ll continue our series on the Psalms, however, we’ll also begin having more of a variety of different posts, so look forward to that!  This week we’re looking at Psalm 9, which is a Psalm of Thanksgiving for God’s righteousness and His righteous judgments (see our earlier …

Psalms Part 6: When I Consider…

Just two weeks ago, on July 20th we celebrated the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. As a galactic space nerd, I enjoy looking at the cosmos and looking back (and forward ) at space travel. It’s just amazing to think about.  On their way back to earth from the moon, Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin said this, “…in …