See Why Christ Went Out of the Way

A while ago I wrote a blog that encourages people who are hurting to reach out to Jesus for healing and reach out to people who can also provide resources like mental health counselors, trusted friends, and family. However, Christ will often go out of His way to meet us. Of course, it’s still up to us to take that …

Defeating Despair: Redemption Weekend Part 3

This blog post is a little late, but it’s always important to remember what Christ did for us. This blog is of course talking about Easter or Resurrection Sunday, the day where Christians celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. This is perhaps the most important moment in earth’s history, as Christ has won the victory over sin, and broken the …

Condemned Christ: Redemption Weekend Part 2

Survivors of sexual violence often feel stigmatized, ignored, or shunned by their friends, their colleagues, their community, and sometimes even their family. There are many reasons for this, it could be anything from cultural and religious stigmas, or not knowing what to say or what to do. Special Agent Roy Hazlewood of the FBI summed it up best in just …

Out of Bondage: Redemption Weekend Part 1

Happy Easter weekend everyone! Now of course we realize that Easter is a pagan holiday and many people still celebrate some pagan rituals, however, it does fall on the day that Christ resurrected from the dead in circa A.D. 30, and I want to share some things from that time that are encouraging not only to the whole world such …